Lesley Reilly, Technology Assistant

Kirsten Johnson

Lesley Reilly is a Technology Assistant for EdTech Leaders® Online (ETLO). Her work with ETLO includes providing support to participants and future facilitators in running ETLO workshops, updating current online courses, and contributing to the design of new courses to add to the ETLO catalogue. Prior to joining EDC, Lesley taught 4th grade for three years in Fairfax County, VA before moving to Boston to pursue her Master’s Degree in Technology in Education from Harvard. While in graduate school, Lesley also taught a course on HTML and web-design to Boston Public School teachers for TechBoston. After graduating, she returned to the elementary classroom to teach 5th grade in Wellesley, MA where she focused on using technology to enhance the curriculum. While in Wellesley, Lesley also developed some web-based curriculum to compliment the current 5th grade social studies units.

Contact: lreilly@edc.org