Bill Tally, Consultant (EDC)

Bill Tally has been a media researcher and designer at EDC's Center for Children and Technology for over 15 years. His interests focus on the ways new media alter opportunities for the development of deeper, more critical literacy in the humanities and social sciences. After getting a psychology degree from UC Santa Cruz, Bill joined the center as a research assistant on the Voyage of the Mimi science and math program, where he did formative research on the TV series, software design on the curriculum materials, and writing on the print books. When CCT became the National Center for Technology in Education, Bill undertook a series of collaborative studies with teachers looking at students' multimedia authoring in different school contexts. With Cornelia Brunner, Bill helped create The Media Workshop New York, a staff development center designed to help New York City teachers integrate strategies for media literacy into their classroom teaching. Currently he is director of the American Memory Fellows Program, a national faculty development effort helping teachers and librarians from around the country deepen their humanities teaching through the use of online primary sources from the Library of Congress' American Memory collections. Bill received an M.A. in cultural studies from the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at the City University of New York Graduate Center. His most recent publication, with Cornelia Brunner, is The New Media Literacy Handbook: An Educator's Guide to Bringing New Media Into the Classroom, (Anchor/Doubleday, 1999).