"Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad"
Sample Lesson Plan


"Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad" is a sample lesson plan designed to stimulate your thinking as you integrate computers and other new technologies into your reading, writing and language arts curricula. Imagine that a first grade teacher named Susie Metrick selected two well-known children's classics, Frog and Toad are Friends and Frog and Toad Together, as the foundation of a curriculum unit, and designed the unit to incorporate good literacy practices such as activating prior knowledge, and developing phonemic awareness and word recognition skills. Imagine that Susie also tried to use a process-writing framework to scaffold her students' writing work in this unit. What issues might Susie have grappled with in trying to enhance such a lesson plan with technology? As you review this unit, picture her asking herself questions such as these:

Then reflect on your own goals in developing a technology-enhanced lesson plan.


Use the following outline to navigate to each section of the Sample Lesson Plan.

Copyright © 2000, Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)