"Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad"
Sample Lesson Plan

Step 4: Group Projects: Using the Computer to Enhance Process Writing

Target Objectives

  1. Children will learn how to brainstorm and organize their ideas for group projects (either fiction or nonfiction works related to the Frog and Toad books).
  2. Children will compose drafts of their final projects; goals include incorporating ideas from their prewriting activity, organizing ideas and information, and incorporating words and concepts germane to the Frog and Toad unit. .

Student Activities

  1. Teacher-led discussion with fiction groups. Stimulate children's imaginations about writing stories or poems by leading a group discussion asking questions such as: How might one of Frog and Toad's episodes ended differently? From what you know about Frog and Toad, what other types of adventures might they have? What type of story or poem could you write about Frog and Toad?

    Then have children begin a draft of their story or poem using computer software.

  2. Teacher-led discussion with non-fiction groups. Help children process the information they've learned about frogs and toads. Ask questions such as, How are frogs and toads alike? How are they different? Where do they live? Then elicit children's ideas for how they might organize their information, using words and illustrations, to teach others what they've learned.

    Then have children begin a draft of their final project using computer software.

Electronic Resources


Impact of Technology: In what ways (if any) will technology enhance students' learning experiences in these activities?

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